Topic: Shortage List Generation with Min QTY Purchase
By: Ben | Posted on: Jul 18 2021 at 11:29:20 AM | Hi,
We have a situation where we purchase a 250' long piece of cable.
We then make 2 x 100' cables out of it, and 50' is junk.
If we need to make 5 of these cables, I need to make sure the shortage list generated by MiniMRP doesn't state that we need to buy 2 reels of cable for 500', because we will only be able to make 4 cables from that.
Is there a way to setup the system so that it takes this situation into account and correctly tells us we would need to buy 750' (3 reels) of the cable to make our 5 cables?
Ben | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jul 20 2021 at 07:43:51 AM | If your supply is always 250 feet and you always make 100 feet lengths and, therefore, always scrap 50 feet then you might be able to use 'Overkit'.
Go to the Item detail window. That's the window where you can edit the description etc. You see a box 'Overkit%'. Here you enter the number 25 Overkit (in other words overissue) this item by 25%. So each time this item is used in a work order it will always 'waste' 25%
The overkit is there for any kind of wasteful production methods where there is always something left over, lost or scrapped.
If your cable is setup with a 25% overkit then when you want to make 5 of your cables MiniMRP would flag a shortage of 750 feet.
I don't think it would work though if you occasionally made 50foot cables. Here it would tell you to issue/buy more than you actually need.
was just a thought | |
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