Topic: Secondary machining required on a part
By: SandyG | Posted on: Nov 12 2017 at 12:04:51 PM | We have many parts that require one vendor to laser cut them, another to weld, and a third to powder coat. Is there a way to associate all three of these costs, all three vendors, with one item? Any tricks to make it work? | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Nov 13 2017 at 07:46:35 PM | Some people would say that the raw material that is sent to cutting is not the same part that comes back from cutting. It has a different part number. That way you could have a quantity of items in your inventory in different stages. ie some cut. Some cut and welded, some complete powder coated.
But others would just create 3 part numbers. One called "LASER-CUT". Another called "WELD" and a third called "POWDER COATING" Give each of those 'parts' a vendor and a cost.
Then the finished product is just an assembly consisting of those 3 parts/processes and the raw material. That way the total cost should work out just right. | |
By: dennis | Posted on: May 3 2018 at 02:29:29 PM | I was glad to find Sandy's original question from Nov 2017. We have same issue at my work. I understand the response, because if I take the raw part, cut part, and powder-coated part ... I wind up with 3 parts that Guest said can all be placed within ONE assembly. Problems here for me: 1) it seems I must enter excessive parts into my database, which is in itself time-consuming & cluttering. 2) I appreciate Guest's idea of adding these 2-3 parts into ONE assembly, but again, I would be doing more work than I want, creating several items in the database that seem redundant if there was a solution within just the single Part Number item.
So, I'd like to re-visit Sandy's question. Is there a way to track 2-3 operations, 2-3 associated suppliers (raw supplier, fabricator, & finisher for example), and then for the costs of each to be added together as a feature within the same Part Number? If not, is there another way to simulate this without creating multiple parts of the same item? | |
By: JohnOG | Posted on: May 4 2018 at 05:52:41 AM | I think the second suggestion is the best.
You don't have excessive parts because if you have many items that need LASER-CUT you just use the same LASER-CUT for every item that needs it. So LASER-CUT just exists once in your inventory.
So, for LASER, WELD and POWDER you just have those 3 'processes' in your inventory. Any products that needs any of those processes just includes one or more of them in their BOM.
You can't get away from the fact though that an uncut, unwelded and uncoated piece of metal must have a different part number to one that has been cut, welded and coated. So, as a minimum you'll have a part number for the unworked 'raw' metal and another for the worked/finished product. and then a part number for each of those processes. But, as said earlier, the processes don't cause excessive parts because they only exist once and every item that needs any of those processes just uses the same one.
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By: dennis | Posted on: May 8 2018 at 05:12:04 PM | JohnOG, Your follow-up was helpful. Going fwd, our small business will be doing pretty close to what you & "Guest" from Nov13,2017 outlined. I feel better creating parts & process line items, then combining them into ONE assembly. The way I understand your comments, I know I can use miniMRP efficiently to track costs of all the processes on the raw part without cluttering up the final output BOM with excessive parts. But you're right, it's probably best to get used to having a separate PN (raw part, then each process has its own unique PN). Thanks for your response. dennis | |
By: JohnOG | Posted on: May 9 2018 at 05:02:25 AM | ANother thing not mentioned is the costing. MiniMRP always shows the build cost of an assembly. You can then make a better decision on the sale price when you know the real cost to build something.
Give your LASER_CUT a supplier and a standard unit price. Say $1 dollar. Then in the assembly's parts list you can use a quantity of LASER_CUT units to get your total cost.
Some time in future the laser cutting company might raise their costs by 10%. When that happens you just go into your inventory and change the LASER_CUT unit price to $1.10 and as you soon as you click the save button every product/assembly you ever make that contains any units of LASER_CUT will suddenly update its own price automatically to include the new unit price. Magic. | |
By: Support | Posted on: May 9 2018 at 05:13:34 AM | and another thing not mentioned is that when you process a BOM to issue the materials MiniMRP will reduce the OnHand inventory of all the items consumed in the build. Including the quantity of LASER_CUT units. This means the OnHand inventory of LASER_CUT will go into negative and you'll need to manually adjust it back to zero otherwise it's value will affect the total inventory valuation report.
Maybe you don't use that valuation report in which case it won't matter.
But in the next version there will be a new 'TYPE'. So as well as 'PART', ASSY and CSAS there'll be a type 'MISC' for miscellaneous items. Things that have a value and a quantity within a BOM so affect build costs but which are never actually issued from the inventory and never affect the total inventory valuation reports because they don't physically exist. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jul 29 2019 at 04:21:00 PM | Just to clarify, laser cutting and material supplied by the laser cutting company will never increase uniformly. Each thickness and each material type will vary slightly On the cutting side as well as each raw material type and thickness. Material might increase in July, electricity in Jan and gas in another month so I personally would not go with changing the $1 value. Just change the qty in the assembly. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jul 30 2019 at 11:40:46 AM | Version 5 has a new TYPE called 'MISC' (for miscellaneous items such as labor etc). MISC items can have a value/cost so their cost affects the total build cost of an assembly but when the BOM is issued the Inventory/OnHand quantity of MISC items is not taken out out of inventory so the OnHand quantity of labor can always stay at zero and doesn't need manually adjusting anymore. | |
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