Topic: Says MiniMrp is not installed, when using network
By: greg | Posted on: Jan 26 2021 at 11:43:55 AM | Hi, we're testing out MiniMrp at our company.
We've followed the instructions here at "minimrp.com/minimrp5/networkinstall" to put the data on a shared network drive.
When I attempt to run the program from the shared drive, via the methods described in the instructions using shortcuts or otherwise by just clicking on it in the shared folder, an error pops up saying I do not have Mini installed on my computer, even though I do. I can run it just fine locally.
I'm not sure whats going on. Any ideas?
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By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 27 2021 at 05:24:27 AM | MiniMRP has two "editions". 'Standard' and 'Pro'
If the executable file on the network is, for example the pro edition while your locally installed version is 'Standard' then that error would pop up because you don't actually have the necessary version installed on your computer.
You can't mix editions. Just make sure the version in the shared folder is the same as the version/licence installed on your computer.
Consider using the 'pro' version on your machines anyway. Using the 'pro' version you don't need to run the program from a network folder. All you need do is place the data file (mrp5data) on the shared folder. You then run your locally installed instance of MiniMRP (run locally) and go to 'Setup/Tools' at the very bottom of the menu and select the option for 'Database Setup'. In there you can select any data file - so navigate across the network to the shared folder and select the 'mrp5data' file.
Pro is much simpler at networking. A little more expensive but saves time setting up new machines and worrying about shortcuts etc. Some securer corporate networks can make it difficult to run an executable from a remote shared folder anyway. That's the reason for the pro version. It works better with corporate/pro networks etc.
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By: greg | Posted on: Jan 27 2021 at 03:16:15 PM | This worked! Turns out my colleague was using the pro version and I was using standard. Thanks a bunch for the suggestion and instructions! | |
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