Topic: Revision History
By: Support | Posted on: Jun 11 2023 at 05:37:15 AM | 5.0.50 fixed bug in shortage report where OnHand quantity could be reported incorrectly if an item existed in more than one place in the same BOM/Parts list.
5.0.51 Updated the MySQL Connector for connecting to MySQL databases v8 and above. Does not affect any Microsoft databases.
5.0.54 Improvement to the P&V Importer/restore (P&V, in case you don't know, is (was) a legacy product from another company that's no longer supported. We now allow users of those systems an easy migration path to MiniMRP)
5.0.55 Fixed bug where listing "Items By Category" failed if category name contained an Apostrophe/single quote.
5.0.57 When adding items to a customer order it could show a numeric ItemID rather than the actual part number. This corrected itself when the order was saved/refreshed but could still be confusing.
5.0.63 Added Job/Costing Ref to Purchase Order
5.0.64 Added report to group spending by Job/Costing Ref.
5.0.66 Added 'Comments/Notes' column to Onscreen Purchase order. (As 3rd row when printing)
5.0.70 Option to ' display' inside CSAS assemblies in OnScreen BOM.
5.0.71 Added a 'Note' column to on-screen customer order. (Displayed as 3rd row on printout).
5.0.72 Fixed bug introduced in 5.0.71 where Assembly Editor would show price column showing UOM (ie BOX) price rather than price each.
5.0.73 Added 'Tab Delimiter' option to CSV import (Useful for euro/nonEnglish locales where comma is used as decimal point)
5.0.75 Fixed rare bug in GoodIn process which only occurred if text in BIN column contained a apostrophe/single quote.
5.0.80 Fixed very rare bug in StockAdjust which only occurred if multiple users were adjusting the same item at the same time.
5.0.82 Fixed bug in shortage forecast which only affected MySQL databases (ie did not Default or MS SQL Datqbases)
5.0.83 Assembly costs could sometimes be calculated incorrectly if components on the assembly were supplied in different currencies. (Under some circumstances currency conversion would be done twice)
5.0.85 Exporting Purchase Orders to CSV now includes columns for PONumber, Vendor, PO Date. We don't support or recommend any accounting packages but, we hear, this layout is better for 3rd party tools that can import purchase orders into QuickBooks, and others.
5.0.88 Fixed a problem where adding items to an existing customer Quote could sometimes result in the added item being added twice.
5.0.90 In List of PurchaseOrders a clickable (i) icon was added to each order row where any items on the order have been received. To identify partially received orders and quicker access to the relevant GRNs
5.0.92 Fixed a bug where RFQs could appear as POs in reports/purchasing reports.
5.0.93 Fixed a potential problem in WorkOrder shortage report which could have resulted in blank rows if an item appeared more than once in the same BOM.
5.0.94 Fixed Work Order Date Picker where the date left/right buttons didn't work.
5.0.96 Fixed problem in Parts List/Assembly editor where MISC items appears as PART
5.0.97 Fixed display problem in Indented BOM when viewing inside CSAS assemblies
5.0.98 Fixed a bug that was introduced a couple of revisions ago which only affected case sensitive installations of MySQL Server
5.0.99 Fixed a potential problem where some Work Order processes would consume (reduce quantities of) MISC items. (MISC items should not be deducted by Work Orders)
5.0.100 Fixed a bug where items that have no default vendor did not appear in shortage reports.
Added a DatePicker to the check/sync/compact button allowing transactions prior to a given date to be deleted.
5.0.105 Investigating a problem where a cloned PO might appear in the completed PO's list.
5.0.106 Changed the way MiniMRP program is closed due to a clash with some new feature of upcoming Windows 11.
5.0.107 Fixed a bug in PO when saving NEW ITEM or NONSTOCKITEM when the cost of the item uses a non-english style comma instead of dot. (ie only affected non-english locals using decimal comma)
5.0.108 Similar fix (see .107) to Good receiving process in non-english locals
5.0.109 Fixed a bug that was introduced in .108 related to non-english locals
5.0.110 When looking at list of POs clicking the [+] button would expand the row to show items on the PO and some items would be highlighted in red (overdue) even if they had already been received.
5.0.112 Fixed a problem where some users using somebody else's computer might not be able to save their own personal preferences (column widths etc)
5.0.113 Fixed a problem with UAC when a user's Windows user name contained a rarely used non-alpha character.
5.0.114 Added a PO number search box to the list of POs
5.0.115 Fixed a language issue when exporting CSV in some non-english/european installations (ie cyrilic)
5.0.116 Did some work to the way WorkOrder Start/End dates are given/accepted.
5.0.118 Fixed a bug which could incorrectly show list of suppliers after having edited a customer's name/address details. This was only a temporary display issue causing confusion. The actual data was saved correctly. Basically showing "Supplier" header instead of "Customer" but did refresh correctly.
5.0.120 Fixed a problem which could sometimes hide the 'OK' button when clocning an order
5.0.121 Fixed a problem which could prevent importing of customer/supplier name/address details if any of the fields contains some rarely used non-alphanumeric characters
5.0.122 Added Job/Costing Ref to GRN Doc. Build Start/End dates to WO/BOM. Added Min/Max(Fill) columns to CSV inventory import.
5.0.123 Fixed Stock Valuation report where, under some rare circumstances, the report by Part Number did not match report by category.
5.0.125 Stock valuation reports now include cost of components that are currently in WIP
5.0.128 Fixed a bug in the Assembly Editor where "Replace Item"
5.0.129 Fixes a problem where when viewing a consolidated pick list the pick list might contain components inside CSAS (ie non-phantom) sub assemblies.
5.0.130 Fixes a rare problem on customer delivery where an item might appear twice if it existed in multiple locations. (Pro ver only)
5.0.131 When saving a purchase order containing NON STOCK items and where the part number or description contained non-alphanum chars the the save could be rejected.
5.0.132 Change to the way that the 'Buy' checkbox work in single work order shortage report.
5.0.133 When printing a BOM the total build cost is now shown at the very top of the item cost column (if the item cost column is not hidden).
In RFQ the csv export button would sometimes fail. Also exporting a PO to csv might fail if the PO contained some specific non-alphanum chars.
5.0.134 In setup is an option to update item prices/costs based on most recent purchase order. Under some rare circumstances this did not update. This update should fix that.
5.0.135 Fixes a glitsch where a work order might be allocated multiple times if the 'OK' button was clicked more than once.
5.0.136 If a work order was reversed/dekitted then we'd also return MISC items to the inventory even though they weren't actually issued to the kit. Fixed in this update
5.0.137 Minor update to Shortage reports.
5.0.138 Never released.
5.0.139 It is always possible to cause an infinite loop in a BOM by having an assembly inside itself. We did always try to detect when that happened but this version just changes the way it's handled by limiting the number of loops to prevent a 'loop forever' hang.
5.0.140 Never released
5.0.141 Never released
5.0.142 A very rare error glitsch could occur when connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database when MiniMRP incorrectly detected that the server was MySQL (ie not a microsoft database). Only one person ever reported this problem but it is fixed from this version onwards.
5.0.143 Never released
5.0.144 Fixes an error affecting European language (non english) users where the Purchase Orders receiving (GoodsIn) could fail.
5.0.145 Fixes an error affecting European language (non-english) users using MySQL/MariaDB database servers. The error could cause duplicate location records to be recorded. Such duplicate records can be cleaned up using the 'ReSync' button in the tools/setup menu. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Jan 12 2022 at 05:41:29 AM | Please do not reply to this thread. if you have a problem with it please email
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By: Support | Posted on: Jan 12 2022 at 06:10:10 AM | Adding comments to this topic has been disabled. | |
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