Topic: PO, Listing items in an assembly
By: Guest | Posted on: Apr 29 2022 at 08:27:10 AM | I have an assembly (with a bunch of parts obviously) and when I add a purchase order I'd like to have all of the individual parts listed in the PO separately. Example: I buy an industrial PC and it has a HD, Ram, operating Software and and Base Model. Each one has a price associated with it. So I'd like to see these items separate. Now if I add an assembly to the PO it just shows one line item. I could ass them one at a time but that defeats the purpose of an assembly. Thanks | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Apr 30 2022 at 04:13:48 AM | I'm a long time user of minimrp. f I understand your question correctly you want to be able to create a PO to "Buy" an assembly but all the parts of that assembly should appear on separate lines on the purchase order.
I must confess that has never occurred to me. I suppose your thinking is that ALL components of an assembly are purchased from the same supplier? I suppose to build a computer that might well be the case.
MiniMRP won't do that because their thinking is that an assembly can contain 10's or even 100's of components from many different suppliers. Also many components may be available already in your inventory or already exist on PO's that haven't been received yet. So simply populating one PO with all items from an assembly would not be a good idea.
Create a Work Order to BUILD your assembly. Maybe create a few other work orders to build other assemblies some of which may consume some of the same common components. Figuring out in your head what to buy and who to buy it from is pretty much impossible. But mini mrp does that for you.
Go to "Reports/Shortages" and run the shortage report. The shortage reports looks at all active purchase orders. All your on hand inventory and all your other planned work orders to show you a consolidated shortage report.
In the shortage report is a 'Buy' checkbox on each row where a component is a shortage. Check that.
Then when you create a purchase order everything that was previously flagged as a shortage, that is available from that supplier, will automatically appear on the PO.
This is obviously a little more complicated that your idea of smply adding an assembly to a PO but the idea is that you're buying many parts from many different suppliers required for different projects and you only buy what you need, when you need it and don't want to buy it again if it's already in your inventory.
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By: Guest888 | Posted on: May 9 2022 at 01:15:23 PM | I have a similar issue. I have an assembly and when I order it the components in that assembly do not show as "ordered". Therefore I have shortages that show up and do not indicate that I ordered them.
I would think that if I have a PO for an assembly it would mean that I have ordered the four items as well. | |
By: Support | Posted on: May 10 2022 at 03:39:33 AM | As mentioned above. If you create a purchase order to BUY an assembly MiniMRP will BUY the assembly. It will not buy the components required to build the assembly.
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