Topic: Negative Quantities for Assembly Part Level Comparison
By: Stephen | Posted on: Nov 13 2019 at 06:12:50 PM | Is there a way to create an assembly, with sub-assemblies having a negative quantity?
There are times when we want to compare two similar assemblies in order to find the difference at the Consolidated Part Level. Say to create an 'upgrade assembly'.
Would it be easy to remove the current restriction for a positive number and would it mean that the resultant consolidated parts view would show the differences both positive and negative.
Very useful in doing parts analysis. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Nov 14 2019 at 05:29:00 AM | It's simply not possble for an assembly to consume negative quantities of materials.
I really don't understand how that would help you to compare assemblies.
Do you altwady use that method in some other software? Or is it just an idea you're toying with?
Would it be possible for you to export to excel or use excel to create 2 small example assemblies parts lists with your negative quantities. Run your comparison and send those to us here showing the results you're trying to acheive.
I can understand a requirment to compare assemblies and if there was any demand for it then it's maybe something that could be added to MniMRP without fiddling with negative quantities. But if we understand what you mean then maybe we can discuss it in more detail.
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By: Stephen | Posted on: Nov 15 2019 at 09:58:35 AM | I can certainly see why negative quantities would be confusing. I just thought it might work.
All that's required is a compare 'function. This would create two consolidated parts list, match Items, do the math and create a result list that would show just the differences in Parts and quantities. i.e. just the plusses and minuses.
I can create a simple example and send it to you. | |
By: Ken at DTS | Posted on: Nov 16 2019 at 08:42:00 AM | A new feature that compares two consolidated parts lists, as described by Stephen, would be extremely useful. One additional feature I would like to see would optionally highlight differences between the reference designators of each row of the two BOMs as well as the item quantities. But simply the "match items and compare quantities" feature as described by Stephen would be frequently used.
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By: Jason | Posted on: Nov 17 2019 at 05:16:03 AM | I would consider the BOMs to be different if the same items appeared in different arrangement (ie in different levels) or even if the ref-des had a slight difference (ie a resistor appearing in R23 rather than R33 is, in my mind a difference that should be highlighted)
Comparing consolidated lists might work for some but I would want to be able to compare multilevel Assemblies to spot slight differences in layout | |
By: Flemming | Posted on: Feb 20 2020 at 11:15:05 AM | Negative quantities would also be required working with secondary yields like I described in another question. Product D consist of B+C+A where A is reproduced after the process but can not be in shortage before the process. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Feb 21 2020 at 05:45:40 AM | In other posts there's mention of 'By-Product'. Is your 'A" that by product? It has a part number. A quantity of it is required but it doesn't physically exist as a stored item in your inventory?
Minimrp has a part type MISC. That has a part number. It can even have a value. A BOM can contain a quantity of it. But when you process the build the quantity is not taken out of your inventory. As somebody else said in another thread it just appears out of thin air.
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By: JFS-Barcelona | Posted on: Apr 3 2020 at 05:52:36 AM | Hi, I'm a beginner and I don't speak English. A question that means Reference or (Ref / Pos) in an Assembly when I load a cvs from a Solidwors Assembly. Thanks
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By: Support | Posted on: Apr 4 2020 at 04:01:45 PM | Ref/Pos. This is a plain text field. It can contain anything you want.
Usually it is used to describe how or where the component is attached to the assembly.
But you can leave it empty if you want. | |
By: JFS-Barcelona | Posted on: Apr 8 2020 at 06:13:13 AM | Thank you very much for the information. Sorry for the delay in the response. but I have devoted myself to programming in a book
management that I have excel format for Solidwors bill of materials treatment with many functions.
Haora already converts the properties that I use with the MiniMRP properties in cvs format.
It seems to me that I am going to uninstall the program and reinstall it clean. Sorry if I abuse your attention but I have some questions to solve and I would really appreciate your answers Okay, but I have a harder time with English. 2 questions if you have a good answer
1st How can I fix the ranges without having to indicate the property's column number each time when loading the cvs since it will always have the same format
2nd I can load a large assembly with its subassemblies without having to load the PART first, being indicated
level and type, revision etc. (PART-ASSY) in cvs. Or it is better to load the PART first
Thank you very much for your attention. Greetings Josep and take great care with covi-19 | |
By: Support | Posted on: Apr 8 2020 at 08:44:28 AM | 1st Question - Sorry. You must select the columns each time.
2nd Question. You can import the Bill of Materials even if the parts do not exist. MiniMRP will create the parts automatically.
But If you import the parts first then you are able to import more data (more columns) such as supplier and price, manufacturer etc. | |
By: JFS-Barcelona | Posted on: Apr 9 2020 at 03:04:29 AM | Muchas gracias por la respuesta. Primero cargare todas las piezas con cantidad 0 indicando los que los 4 campos que él personalizados.
Nº Archivo, Configuración, Directorio y Código fabricante. Lugo cargo el ensamblaje con el mismo formato que el de las piezas añadiendo el nivel y las cantidades.
1ª Pregunta el nivel en ensablaje lo aplico con este formato
ID Número de pieza_Nº Archivo_Config_Revision_Description_Detail_Category_BIN_Type _Code Fabricante _Qty_DIRECTORIO_ Referencia
411-1031_1_A_411-1031_1_A_01__A_xxxxxxxxxxxx_AISI 304_LASER_ _ Parte _ xxxxxxxxxxxxx _ 2 _ C: 00-ORG-xxx_ XMRP5.xlsm
1 parte
2.2 Parte CONJUNTO
3 parte
2ª Pregunta? le parece bien que disten el programa y lo vuelve a instalar limpio? Y esta mañana si puedo ir a cargar cvs de 363 partes sin ID y con Cantidad 0: Sequidamente carga Su ensambleje de 536 registros con el formato ID de nivel que ya le ha comentado.
? Cree que es la mejor manera o me aconsejaria otra ¿
Muchas gracias por su valiosa atencion
Saludos y Salud
Josep | |
By: TEP-P&V user | Posted on: Jul 15 2020 at 04:25:09 PM | The software that allows negative qty in assemblies is "SAP ERP" and production loves it, but engineering hates it because like you say how can you build anything with a negative qty. Those who are lazy and don't want to create a new part number for the assembly that is missing the part. An Assembly BOM C which calls out Assembly A (which includes part B as a component) and has part B listed as a negative qty. will give you an Assembly C that doesn't contain B anymore. Mfg can now only have assembly A and part B in inventory to keep track of. Don't allow this hatchet job to enter your program. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Jul 17 2020 at 03:48:00 AM | @TEP-P&V
Thank you for talking the time to explain the 'Hatchet Job'. But, unfortunately I still don't understand it so it's unlikely to appear in MiniMRP any time soon. | |
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