Topic: multiple part numbers
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 3 2022 at 06:48:04 AM | I'm looking at using MiniMRP to manage electronic BOMs. As such I need to be able to specify a component in the BOM and associate various parts from multiple manufacturers and suppliers to it. This seems to work but if you have multiple part numbers from the same manufacturer or supplier I don't see how to do that, since it appears you can only have one entry per supplier or manufacturer associated with a component.
For example, if you have a 1K resistor as component and there are 4 manufacturers for that component where some of those manufacturers have multiple parts with different part numbers. So, if we want to add entries for the manufacturers and then the distributors where we have multiple part numbers from both the manufacturers and distributors I don't see a way of doing that. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Jan 3 2022 at 07:23:30 AM | I make a couple of assumptions here.
1 . You have a 1K resistor and that has "your" part number.
2. You can buy that resistor from multiple suppliers and each of those has their own supplier part number.
Look at the Item detail window that's the window where you can edit the item's description etc. In there is the supplier's tab. In that supplier's tab you can add any number of additional suppliers and each of those can have their own supplier part number, different prices and different supply UOM.
In that supplier's tab the top one is the 'Default' supplier. This is the supplier that will appear, with that supplier's part number, in BOMs in the Supplier column.
Also in that supplier's tab you can define ONE supplier as the manufacturer. Only ONE. This manufacturer and their part number will also appear in BOMs in the Manufacturer column.
Reading your email it sounds like you you want the BOM to show more alternate suppliers. Sorry. MiniMRP can't do that. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 29 2022 at 06:50:05 PM | In anticipation of this need for alternate parts (for each miniMRP part number), I have experimented with putting several different supplier part numbers with the same supplier (distributor) as well as with another supplier. I also included for reference in the supplier list the actual manufacturers of the alternative parts but did not mark them as such. In our case, it probably would not matter since we do buy quite a bit of parts directly from manufacturers. I tested the setup by processing a purchase order for the part using one supplier but with two different alternative supplier part numbers and it seemed to work. Any potential problems with this? | |
By: Support | Posted on: Jan 31 2022 at 05:53:26 AM | I don't see any problems but maybe I didn't understand fully.
If you have a supplier part number and in the supplier part number field you keyed in multiple numbers one after the other then, from MiniMR"s perspective, it's just one long part number. If it fits in the field/form and both you and the supplier understand it then I don't see a problem. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Feb 2 2022 at 01:05:47 PM | Sorry I did not explain it quite well. What I did was entered the same supplier more than once but each having a different part, i.e. supplier1=Digikey, PN1=XXXX, supplier2=Digikey, PN2=YYYY. Of course both parts should be functionally equivalent, but they could be from different manufacturers. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Feb 3 2022 at 04:44:09 AM | In the item suppliers list you can have an unlimited number of suppliers - also the same supplier multiple times - with different supply criteria.
The top one in the list is the 'Default'. The default supplier's price is used to calculate assembly build costs but you can buy from any of them.
Only one of the suppliers can be defined as the manufacturer. We do understand that an item can have multiple manufacturers but the BOM only has space for one | |
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