Topic: Multiple Clients
By: Guest | Posted on: Nov 15 2018 at 12:51:41 PM | I'm a sole proprietor design consultant with many clients. Is there a way to easily segregate each client's data so I don't accidentally grab the wrong one? | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Nov 16 2018 at 10:44:47 AM | One idea might be to create multiple program folders with an entirely different data file in each folder.
The software usually installs in the folder
c:\program files\MiniMrp4
In that folder you'll see files
Depending on how your version of Windows is configured you may not see the last 3 letters of those filenames but I'm sure you'll recognize the files.
The file "MiniMrp4" is the minimrp program. The file MRP4DATA is your database containing all the inventory, orders etc.
That other file, usercfg.axi is where minimrp stores your display preferences such as column widths etc.
On your desktop create two folders and name them "Customer_001" and "Customer_002"
In each folder make a copy of the above mentioned files.
Now when you open the folder "Customer_001" and double click "MiniMrp4.exe" in that folder it will use the data file from that folder.
and when you open folder "Customer_002" and double click the "MiniMrp4" file in that folder it will use the data file in that folder.
Any changes you make in one folder does not affect the data in any other folder.
Of course you can name the folders any way you want - maybe the actual customer name. You can also have as many folders as you wish - so, an unlimited number of entirely separate sets of customer data. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Nov 16 2018 at 01:09:36 PM | Thanks! | |
By: Ian | Posted on: Aug 4 2019 at 07:06:53 PM | I have been trying to use this multiple folder approach in MiniMRP5 but it does not appear to work. I also tried to add the database file directly as a parameter in a command line call but that didn't work either. Is there a way to manage two separate databases? | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Aug 5 2019 at 12:31:52 AM | I have no idea why the miltiple folder approach is not working for you. It should work. ~especially using the 'Standard' edition of MiniMRP it is the only way to do it.
But if you are using the professional version of MiniMRP with SQL Server then obviously the folder approach won't work because it's using SQL Server and Not the folder.
Or, if you have the Pro version and you have gone into setup/database setup to select the data file then that will also override the folder. In fact using the pro version you don't need folders. Just use that setup to simply switch from one data file to another. But that data file selecor is only available in the pro version)
So, what version do you have? Are you using SQL Server? Or have you used 'Setup/Database Setup' to select the database you want to use? | |
By: Ian | Posted on: Aug 5 2019 at 02:27:24 AM | I am currently using Pro version in trial. I want to start populating an inventory and ultimately want to use it in a multi-site configuration. However we are currently not in a position to spin up a mysql database in our intranet, so I have to start populating the standalone database.
However, I do not want to start populating the standalone dB now if there is a risk that the database will be corrupted in the translation to mysql. | |
By: Ian | Posted on: Aug 5 2019 at 02:27:24 AM | I am currently using Pro version in trial. I want to start populating an inventory and ultimately want to use it in a multi-site configuration. However we are currently not in a position to spin up a mysql database in our intranet, so I have to start populating the standalone database.
However, I do not want to start populating the standalone dB now if there is a risk that the database will be corrupted in the translation to mysql. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Aug 5 2019 at 03:09:32 AM | Multiple databases using the Pro version.
In the minimrp program window you have the outlook style menu on the left. Go to the very bottom of that menu and you see the database setup button. In there you have the option to "Use standard/local database" or "Connect to SQL Server" If you select the standard default database you can browse to a data file. If you've already made different folders then you can browse to the mrp5data file in one of the other folders. You could use that method if you wanted multiple, completely separate, databases.
Multiple sites in one database using the Pro version.
The Pro version allows you to have multiple sites in one database. So, if you had one site in one town/city and another site in an different town then each site can have different inventory, different purchase orders etc and each 'site' can see inventory in the other site(s) and transfer inventory from one site to another. To create additional sites (in the pro version) go to the bottom of the menu on the left and select the "Own Locations" button and add your second site (any number of additional sites)
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