Topic: MiniMRP and MySQL Server on NAS. Recommendations?
By: JasonMB | Posted on: Sep 21 2018 at 06:39:15 AM | I understand that the next version of MiniMRP will be able to use MySQL on a NAS drive as its server.
That sounds really good. Much simpler than running a dedicated server especially for our small business.
We've already got a NAS "WD My Cloud" but it's quite old and I don't think it supports MySQL so I want to get a new one with 2 disks/RAID.
Any chance you could recommend which NAS boxes are best for this task? | |
By: JohnBobIII | Posted on: Sep 21 2018 at 01:50:50 PM | The very first MyCloud 'Mirror' devices 'do' have MySQL built in but it's quite an old version. The current entry level MyCloud range are solid well built devices so have lasted for many years but it's old technology now and they just haven't updated the range for ages. Slow processor and not much memory.
For WD I suspect you'd need to be looking at the higher end devices with Pentium processors in order to get the power needed to run the kind of queries that minimrp loads on the server.
Other vendors such as Synology have more bang for the buck. Even their entry level devices such as DS218 have 64bit quad core processors with quite a lot of 'umph' for their size. I mention the DS218 because that's the one we're using now. We got a prerelease version of minimrp 5 which runs well on the DS218. ("2" is number of disks and, I think, "18") is the model year. So the 218 is a recent device with the current 64bit, quad core, Arm8 processor.
Before this synology device we had a buffalo LS but the mysql in that would have had the same problem as the WD. Newer buffalo have more power but it seems they've removed support for MySQL completely in the current LS range. I guess they want to force you to go up to their higher end terra devices which obviously cost a lot more.
So. After all that - only based on what (I think) I know, the best low cost NAS for MySQL Server would be the current Synology range. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Sep 22 2018 at 02:51:46 PM | JasonMB. The WD My Cloud Mirror, EX2, EX4 etc (the boxes with 2 or more disk bays) do already have MySQL installed and it's already running as part of the built-in software so you won't see it in the list of installed apps. All you need to do is install phpMyAdmin and you'll see that you have the mySql server running already.
MiniMrp, the current PreRelease (as at mid September 2018) does need a better MySQL server than one of those WD devices can offer. As JohnBob said, they are very old technology.
But, with low spec NAS drives in mind, we're rewriting/optimising, a few of our SQL queries to reduce the load on the server.
By the time v5 is released it should work OK even with MySQL on those low spec WD My Cloud devices although if you were going out to buy a new NAS then I'd suggest looking at something with a little more power.
interested in have a look at v5? please email.

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