Topic: Importing from previous MFG software
By: Guest | Posted on: Feb 1 2018 at 10:30:57 AM | Does miniMRP import Inventory Items, BOMs, Suppliers, Manufacturers and other data from a different MFG/MRP software program, perhaps in a CSV/excel format? Can it receive in custom field, and howmany field can it import?
Dan | |
By: Support | Posted on: Feb 2 2018 at 10:13:18 AM | If you have data in Trilogy Parts and Vendprs (P&V) then MiniMRP can import pretty much everything.
But it can also import inventory from CSV. In the MiniMRP Menu look at "Inventory" menu. At the bottom is a button "Import CSV". You can use that to import the inventory and related vendors, vendor part numbers, price, etc.
MiniMRP can also import single level assemblies (BOMs). Look in the menu at "Assemblies" and create the assembly - enter t's part number, description etc. Then back out of that window to the list of Assemblies. To the left of each one is a small [>] button. Click that and select the option to "Read Partslist/BOM from CSV"
If you have sub assemblies that are used in larger/parent assemblies then import the sub assemblies first. Then when you import the parent level Minimrp wil sticth it together so you end up with a multilevel bom.
Best thing to do is back up your database before trying new things and have a play and see what happens.
If you need longer than 30 days just email us and we'll extend the trial to 60 or 90 days if necessary. | |
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