Topic: How to import current inventory levels
By: Adare | Posted on: Apr 20 2018 at 06:39:32 PM | How can I add in beginning inventory from our current system. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Apr 23 2018 at 08:56:26 AM | Hi all,
That's a question I've been wondering as well.
I understood from other posts that live-tracking inventory is not possible via Minimrp.
So it means that for inventory, one has to have a separate tracking software (along with barcode scanners etc.) and update Minimrp manually on a constant basis with the other software's data as output.
Thanks in advance. | |
By: Support | Posted on: Apr 23 2018 at 02:40:41 PM | I don't understand what you mean when you say that "Live inventory tracking is not possible" What do you mean?
When you place purchase orders and receive deliveries from vendors then off course MiniMRP increases the inventory quantities. and when you ship customer orders to customers then of course the inventory quantities are reduced.
and when you build assemblies the on hand quantity of assemblies increases and the quantities of materials consumed decreases.
Is that what you mean.
But, to answer the original question. Did you look at CSV import? (Inventory menu > Import from CSV)? Using that you can import new items from CSV and also update the OnHand quantities of items that already exist in your database. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Apr 23 2018 at 11:35:47 PM | Hello,
Thanks for the reply.
I figured the original poster asked about inventory tracking.
For instance, when you scan incoming parts or already-in-stock parts via barcode scanners, the system automatically increases the quantities on hand (in short, the possibility of a barcode-system interface).
I might have been off topic though. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Apr 30 2018 at 03:42:36 PM | I just completed a physical inventory and need to update quantities. What data columns are required in the .CVS file to just change quantities. | |
By: MikeCad | Posted on: May 2 2018 at 10:13:52 AM | First thing to do is go to "tools>Database Utils" and make a backup. MiniMRP isn't necessarily going to fail during the update process but it's easy for you to select the wrong columns and screw up your inventory.
From the CSV you just need enough information for MiniMRP to recognize that the item already exists in the database. So just the Part Number and, if used, the revision. It may demand that you also select the 'description' column but that's only used if it finds new items in the CSV and needs to import them.
Obviously the Quantity column needs to be selected as well and, at the bottom of the Window check the box to tell it to "update Qty if item already exists".
After the CSV has been processed back out of the import window and go to your 'All Inventory' list and check that everything looks OK.
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