Topic: Asssembly cost price problem
By: Guest | Posted on: Sep 29 2020 at 07:58:15 AM | Hello,
When i add a product to a customer order, i use the lookup to find the part, there is a cost coloum, this has a figure that is greater than the cost shown for same product when viewed in assemblies.
The difference does not seem to be linked to anything.
Ie. When i view an assembly in assemblies cost is £2.5882, when the same product is shown in the lookup the cost is shown as £3.4683 - £0.8801 difference.
When i add up everything in the parts list it comes out correct at £2.5882?
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By: Guest | Posted on: Sep 29 2020 at 10:46:21 AM | Corrected!
It seems i had imported products, now i have a component as the product, and an assembly. The cost of the component included labour. After deleting this, i now have an assembly with NO cost shown.
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By: Support | Posted on: Oct 1 2020 at 02:42:12 AM | If parts have been imported from other databases then it's possible that the build costs are handled differently. That can usually be corrected by the 'ReSync' process.
In the menu bar to the left of the program window is Tools/Setup.
Scroll down to the backup/restore page.
Make a backup - you can never make too many backups
Click the "Check/ReSync" button.
After the resync is complete, should only take a few seconds, go back and look at your build costs?
If they're still incorrect then let us know what version/revision of MiniMRP you have. If you have a version 5 then maybe go to the downloads page and download install again to make sure you have the latest version.

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